
Weekend in Madrid

I only took part in two bachelor parties, both were cool because my friends can behave I suppose. Once in Dublin a few years ago when I was living in Oslo and a second one in Madrid as living in Berlin, this weekend.

After weeks of strategic decisions Madrid was chosen, flight tickets were bought and the groom had no ideas what will happen to him this weekend.

Friday morning early, the mission from the Berlin team was to pick up the packape. So we did. Two French and Swiss/French are travelling to Madrid. Once arrived in the Spanish capital we meet semi randomly an Austrian coming from Vienna, a French coming this time from South of France, another French arriving from Göteborg, more Frenchies from Paris and a Portuguese, a French, a Greec, a Germnan/Israeli and even a British from London. L'internationale quand tu nous tiens. But that's the problem or the solution when you are traveling, speaking at least two languages and a bit open minded (I don't want to change my friends).

A lovely weekend filled with walk, street art tour, 5k run, servejas, jamon, crossing other bachelor parties sometimes less classy, a show at the circus, good food, good time, not long enough sleep, what else?